26 January 2013

How to filter adult content app in Androids Play store

Here you gonna will learn how to filter adult content in Play Store.

When you browsing apps on play store it might happen that some of the apps are impropriate , then questions in our mind that , Is there any way to filter the content by which play store becomes friendly for all users?

Well there is a way to filter the apps , here is how.

•Firsfly go to settings (you can access setting by clicking ribbon on the top right most in the play store and select settings)

•Now when settings dialogue opens in that you will find CONTENT FALTERING, click on it

•Now set the level filtering apps by unchecking the high maturity and medium maturity.

•You have successfully learnt how to filter adult apps on play store.
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How to sign out from gmail in android phone or tablet

Well, you will be using gmail since you bought your phone or tablet, and after few days you realise that there is no option of logout or sign out in gmail app. What a mess, but it very easy to sign out.

Today you gonna learn how to sign out from gmail in android phone or tablet.

• Go to settings first

• There you have to search for ACCOUNTS AND SYNC

•After the dialogue opens you will all accounts which you are loggedin in manage accounts category.
Tab the id or email from which you to log out.

●After tabbing your desired email address new dialogue opens and on top of that you will find the option REMOVE ACCOUNT. Simply click that and you will be logout successfully from your gmail.

Hmm you maybe saying how easy was that and I was banging my head to logout :) 

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25 January 2013

How to change messaging bubble and background style in ICS

So you bored with regular interface of messaging. Want to get rid of that bubble and background style and choose different.

Here is the solution. You gonna learn how to change the bubble style and background style in messaging In ice cream sandwich OS.

•Open MESSAGING > then click on SETTINGS

•When Setting dialogue open there you will find BUBBLE and BACKGROUND as shown below

•Here we go click on bubble style to change the bubble style.

• If you to change background style then click on Background style

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